The Bogeyman is the story of two siblings, Ayse and Ahmet, who live in a village near the central Anatolian city of Konya. After their mother dies, Ayse and Ahmet’s father remarries a woman who doesn’t want the children to live with them. The siblings live with their Grandfather, Hasan, as they struggle to stay together amidst an uncertain future. Hasan’s daughter, Fatma, writes from Germany saying that her sister’s children can come and live with her but the paperwork for them to emigrate takes longer than anticipated. As Ayse and Ahmet navigate the looming threat of being packed off to a children’s home, Ahmet tries to protect his little sister as best he can. ‘Mommo’ is ‘the bogeyman’, a threat adding further fear to their unstable life as he tries to remain strong for his sister.