Brisbane: Bong Joon-Ho’s international critical and box office hit Gisaengchung has been nominated for Best Feature Film at the 2019 Asia Pacific Screen Awards, along with nominations for animation Underdog, young actress Ji-hu Park and cinematographer KIM Hyunseok as APSA celebrates 100 years of Korean Cinema.
The Asia Pacific Screen Awards will bring the nominees from the region together in Brisbane ahead of the November 21 Ceremony for the newly launched industry 4-day industry networking event, the Asia Pacific Screen Forum.
The Forum will officially open with a special event celebrating 100 years of Korean Cinema on Tuesday 19 November, and the following day present a panel exploring the creative opportunities between the Australian and Korean screen industries. With a focus on the future opportunities, the panel will dive into official co-productions, location, PDV (post production, digital and visual effects) and producer offsets and post, digital and visual effects attraction grants.
Joining the panel will be Catherine Fitzgerald (New Zealand) whose current project The Love Song which is the first Korean and New Zealand co-production and Zoe Sua Cho, the producer of Beol-sae (Republic of Korea/USA), nominated this year for Best Performance by an Actress.
Bong Joon-Ho’s Best Feature Film nomination is Bong’s second APSA nomination, the first in 2009 for Best Screenplay for Madeo, for which Kim Hye-ja was awarded Best Performance by an Actress.
Standout young actress Ji-hu Park has been nominated for her breakthrough performance in Bora Kim’s Beol-sae.
Nominated for Best Animated Feature Film is Underdog, directed by Lee Choon-baek together with Oh Sung-yoon, whose first film Madangeul Naon Amtak took the top APSA animation prize in 2011.
Cinematographer KIM Hyunseok is nominated for WANG Xiaoshuai’ Chinese epic So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang).
The full list of nominees were revealed today alongside the Asia Pacific Screen Forum, an exciting program of public and industry events from November 18 culminating with the glittering APSA ceremony on Thursday November 21.
37 films from 22 countries and areas of Asia Pacific achieved nominations, drawn from the 289 films in APSA competition.
Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Adrian Schrinner said the Asia Pacific Screen Awards continues to grow in reputation as an event that brings together the many cultures and voices of the region. “For both the emerging and elite of the global screen industry, Brisbane becomes a hub for screen business each November.”
Chair of the Asia Pacific Screen Awards and its Academy, Michael Hawkins said “APSA ignites and honours cinematic excellence, across the vast region of Asia Pacific, and I congratulate all the nominees this year.”
“The Asia Pacific Screen Forum will present a program of events and opportunities to cement ties between the filmmakers and screen industries of the region, and unlock opportunities for the Australian industry to participate.”
The spread of nominees encompasses some of the region’s most acclaimed auteurs and outstanding emerging voices. APSA is proud to foster their development and opportunities through the Asia Pacific Screen Forum, and their induction to the Asia Pacific Screen Academy.”
APSA represents the 70 countries and areas of Asia Pacific, covering one third of the earth, and encompassing 4.5 billion people and half the world’s film.
APSA is an international cultural program supported by Brisbane City Council and powered by Brisbane Marketing. APSA is endorsed by foundation partners UNESCO and FIAPF-International Federation of Film Producers Associations. The awards ceremony is an exclusive presentation unique to Brisbane.
Full list of nominations by category is as below.
Balloon (Qìqiú)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by Pema TSEDEN
Produced by HUANG Xufeng, Jacky PANG
Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
Directed by Kantemir BALAGOV
Produced by Alexander RODNYANSKY, Sergey MELKUMOV
The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain (Sona Dhwandi Bhed Te Suchha Pahad)
Directed by Ridham JANVE
Produced by Akshay SINGH, Ridham JANVE
Parasite (Gisaengchung)
Republic of Korea
Directed by BONG Joon -ho
Produced by KWAK Sin-ae, MOON Yang-kwon, JANG Young-hwan
So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by WANG Xiaoshuai
Produced by LIU Xuan
Directed by Rodd RATHJEN
Produced by Samantha JENNINGS, Kristina CEYTON, Rita WALSH
The Crossing (Guo Chun Tian)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by BAI Xue
Produced by Cary CHENG
A First Farewell (Di yi ci de li bie)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by WANG Lina
Produced by CAI Qingzeng, QIN Xiaoyu
The Orphanage (Parwareshgah)
Afghanistan, Denmark, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Qatar
Directed by Shahrbanoo SADAT
Produced by Katja ADOMEIT
The Red Phallus
Bhutan, Nepal, Germany
Directed by Tashi GYELTSHEN
Produced by Tashi GYELTSHEN, Kristina KONRAD, Ram Krishna POKHAREL
New Zealand, People’s Republic of China
Directed by Kirby ATKINS
Produced by Daniel STORY, Bill BOYCE
Penguin Highway
Directed by Hiroyasu ISHIDA
Produced by Yoko MATSUZAKI, Koji YAMAMOTO
Republic of Korea
Directed by OH Sung-yoon, LEE Choon-baek
Produced by OH Sung-yoon
The Unseen (Kaghaz-Pareh ha)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Directed by Behzad NALBANDI
Produced by Behzad NALBANDI
Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko)
Directed by Makoto Shinkai
Produced by Genki Kawamura
Israel, Canada, Switzerland
Directed by Rachel Leah JONES, Philippe BELLAÏCHE
Produced by Philippe BELLAÏCHE, Rachel Leah JONES, Paul CADIEUX, Joëlle BERTOSSA
United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark
Directed by Victor KOSSAKOVSKY
Produced by Aimara REQUES, Heino DECKERT, Sigrid DYEKJÆR
The Australian Dream
Australia, United Kingdom
Directed by Daniel GORDON
Produced by Sarah THOMSON, Nick BATZIAS, Virginia WHITWELL, John BATTSEK
Narrow Red Line (Khat-e Barik-e Ghermez)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Directed by Farzad Khoshdast
Produced by Negar Eskandarfar, Farzad Khoshdast
One Child Nation
People’s Republic of China, United States of America
Directed by Nanfu Wang, Jialing Zhang
Produced by Nanfu Wang, Jialing Zhang, Julie Goldman, Christoph Jörg, Christopher Clements, Carolyn Hepburn
Adilkhan YERZHANOV for A Dark, Dark Man
Kazakhstan, France
Lav DIAZ for The Halt (Ang Hupa)
Elia SULEIMAN for It Must Be Heaven
Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Canada, France, Germany
Anocha SUWICHAKORNPONG, Ben RIVERS for Krabi, 2562
Thailand, United Kingdom
WANG Xiaoshuai for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Pema TSEDEN for Balloon (Qìqiú)
People’s Republic of China
Kantemir BALAGOV, Alexander TEREKHOV for Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
Mohsen Gharaei, Mohammad Davoudi for Castle of Dreams (Ghasr-e Shirin)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Tamar SHAVGULIDZE for Comets
A Mei, WANG Xiaoshuai for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Ksenia SEREDA for Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
YU Ninghui, DENG Xu for Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (Chun Jiang Shui Nuan)
People’s Republic of China
Saurabh MONGA for The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain (Sona Dhwandi Bhed Te Suchha Pahad)
Teoh Gay HIAN for The Science of Fictions (Hiruk-Pikuk Si-Alkisah)
Indonesia, Malaysia, France
KIM Hyunseok for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Viktoria MIROSHNICHENKO for Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
Samal YESLYAMOVA for The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time
Kazakhstan, Japan
Ji-hu PARK for House of Hummingbird (Beol-sae)
Republic of Korea, United States of America
YONG Mei for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Max EIGENMANN for Verdict
Philippines, France
Manoj BAJPAYEE for Bhonsle
Eran NAIM for Chained (Eynayim Sheli)
Israel, Germany
Navid Mohammadzadeh for Just 6.5 (Metri Shisho Nim)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohsen TANABANDEH for Rona, Azim’s Mother (Rona, Madar-e Azim)
Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan
WANG Jingchun for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by Devashish MAKHIJA
Produced by Abhayanand SINGH, Shabana Raza BAJPAYEE, Sandiip KAPUR, Piiyush SINGH, Saurabh GUPTA
It Must Be Heaven
Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Canada, France, Germany
Directed by Elia SULEIMAN
Produced by Édouard WEIL, Laurine PELASSY, Elia SULEIMAN, Thanassis KARATHANOS, Martin HAMPEL, Serge NOËL
Made in Bangladesh
Bangladesh, France, Denmark, Portugal
Directed by Rubaiyat HOSSAIN
Produced by François d’ARTEMARE, Ashique MOSTAFA
Rona, Azim’s Mother (Rona, Madar-e Azim)
Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan
Directed by Jamshid MAHMOUDI
Produced by Navid MAHMOUDI
The Sun Above Me Never Sets (Min urduber kyun khahan da kiirbet)
Russian Federation
Directed by Liubov BORISOVA
Produced by Dmitrii SHADRIN, Sardana SAVVINA
Determined by FIAPF–International Federation of Film Producers Associations for outstanding achievement in film in the Asia Pacific region.
The Young Cinema Award presented by NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) and Griffith Film School (GFS) recognises the abundant emerging talent of the Asia Pacific.
Cathy Gallagher [email protected] +61 (0)416 227 282 Alicia Brescianini [email protected] +61 (0)400 225 603
MATERIALS FOR MEDIA https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j4c5sng2v1u0hf5/AAC2Ry5qqdS8JtFLIme4LBuQa?dl=0
올해 13 회 아시아 태평양 스크린 어워즈에서는 한국 영화 100 년사를 기념합니다.
브리스번: 봉 준호 감독의 국제적인 명성을 다시 한번 국제 무대에 확고히 다지고 있는 영화 기생충 이 2019 년도 아시아 태평양 스크린 어워즈 최고 작품상 후보작에 올랐습니다. 애니메이션 분야에는 언더도그 가, 신예 여배우상에는 박 지후씨가, 그리고 촬영상 감독에는 김 현석 감독이 각각 후보로 올랐습니다.
아시아 태평양 스크린 어워즈 본 행사인 11 월 21 일 시상식 이전에 이 지역 영화 관계자들이 브리스번에 모여 4 일에 걸쳐 영화계 네트워킹 행사인 Asia Pacific Screen Forum 에 참여하게 됩니다.
이 포럼은 11 월 19 일 한국 영화 100 년사를 기념하는 특별 행사로 공식 개회식을 갖습니다. 그 다음날에는 호주와 한국 영화업계 간의 창조적인 협력 기회를 모색하는 특별 패널 행사가 열립니다. 미래에 다가올 폭넓은 기회에 초점을 두는 이 패널 토론 행사는 공동 제작, 로케이션, PDV (포스트 프로덕션, 디지털 및 시각 효과 및 프로듀서 오프셋 및 포스트, 디지털, 시각 효과 프로젝트 유치기금 등의 주제를 다루게 됩니다.
이 패널 참석자는 캐서린 피츠제럴드 (뉴질랜드)씨로서, 현재 참여하고 있는 The Love Song 프로젝트는 한국과 뉴질랜드 사이의 첫 공동 제작 작품입니다. 올해 최고 여우상 후보에 오른 영화 벌새 (한국/미국)의 조 수아 프로듀서도 역시 이 패널에 참석합니다.
봉 준호 감독의 APSA 작품상 후보는 이번이 두번째입니다. 2009 년도에 마더 작품으로 최고 시나리오상 후보에 오른 바 있습니다. 이 영화의 김 혜자씨가 APSA 여우 주연상을 수상한 바 있습니다.
탁월한 연기력이 돋보이는 신예 여배우 박 지후씨는 김 보라 감독의 벌새 에서 보인 열연으로 이번에 후보자로 결정되었습니다.
2011 년도 APSA 에니메이션 최고상을 받은 마당을
암탉 을 제작한 오 성윤 감독이 올해 최고 애니메이션 영화 후보작인 언더도그 (감독: 이 춘백 / 오 성윤)에 다시 참여했습니다.
김 현석 촬영 감독은 WANG Xiaoshuai 의 걸작인 So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)으로 이번에 후보로 올랐습니다.
후보작의 전체 명단과 아시아 태평양 스크린 포럼에 대한 내용이 오늘 공식 발표됩니다. 이 포럼은 일반인들과 업계가 만나는 네트워킹 행사로서 11 월 18 일부터 시작되어 11월 21 일 화려한 APSA 시상식으로 대단원을 마치게 됩니다.
아시아 태평양 지역의 22 개국에서 출품된 289 개의 영화 중 37 개의 영화들이 후보작으로 꼽히는 영광을 안았습니다. 애드리안 쉬리너 브리스번 시장은 아시아 태평양 지역의 다양한 문화와 목소리를 함께 결합시키는 국제적인 행사로서 아시아 태평영 스크린 어워즈가 계속적인 성장을 거듭하고 있다고 강조했습니다. “전세계 영화 관계자들에게는 브리스번이 매년 11 월마다 세계 영화의 중심지로 자리를 굳혔습니다. 아시아 태평양 스크린 어워즈와 APSA 아카데미 의장인 마이클 호킨스씨는 “APSA는 아시아 태평양 지역의 탁월한 영화적 업적을 홍보하고 축하하는 행사입니다. 올해 모든 후보자들에게 다시 한번 축하 말씀을 드립니다.”
“ 아시아 태평양 스크린 포럼은 이 지역의 영화 제작자들과 영화 업계 관계자들 간의 우호를 다질 수 있는 다양한 프로그램 및 행사가 마련되는 자리이고, 특히 호주 영화 관계자들에게 이 지역의 훌륭한 영화 제작자들과 연대를 쌓아갈 수 있는 소중한 기회를 제공하게 됩니다.
올해 후보자들 역시 이 지역의 가장 우수하고 재능있는 영화인들을 대표합니다. APSA 는 아시아 태평양 스크린 포럼 및 아시아 태평양 스크린 아카데미 회원 자격을 통해 이들의 계속적인 발전과 기회가 미래에도 계속 이어지게 되기를 희망합니다.
APSA 는 지구의 3 분의 1, 45 억 인구와 전세계에서 제작되는 영화의 절반을 차지하는 아시아 태평양 지역의 70 여개 국가와 지역을 대표합니다.
APSA 는 브리스번시가 지원하고, 브리스번 마케팅이 주관하는 국제적인 문화 행사입니다. APSA 는 창립 파트너인 UNESCO 와 FIAPF-국제 영화 제작인 협회의 승인을 받았습니다. 영화 시상식은 매년 브리스번에서 개최됩니다.
후보 분야와 후보작들의 총 명단이 첨부되어 있습니다.
최고 작품상
Balloon (Qìqiú)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by Pema TSEDEN
Produced by HUANG Xufeng, Jacky PANG
Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
Directed by Kantemir BALAGOV
Produced by Alexander RODNYANSKY, Sergey MELKUMOV
The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain (Sona Dhwandi Bhed Te Suchha Pahad)
Directed by Ridham JANVE
Produced by Akshay SINGH, Ridham JANVE
Parasite (Gisaengchung)
Republic of Korea
Directed by BONG Joon -ho
Produced by KWAK Sin-ae, MOON Yang-kwon, JANG Young-hwan
So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by WANG Xiaoshuai
Produced by LIU Xuan
최고 청소년 작품상
Directed by Rodd RATHJEN
Produced by Samantha JENNINGS, Kristina CEYTON, Rita WALSH
The Crossing ( Guo Chun Tian)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by BAI Xue
Produced by Cary CHENG
A First Farewell (Di yi ci de li bie)
People’s Republic of China
Directed by WANG Lina
Produced by CAI Qingzeng, QIN Xiaoyu
The Orphanage (Parwareshgah)
Afghanistan, Denmark, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Qatar
Directed by Shahrbanoo SADAT
Produced by Katja ADOMEIT
The Red Phallus
Bhutan, Nepal, Germany
Directed by Tashi GYELTSHEN
Produced by Tashi GYELTSHEN, Kristina KONRAD, Ram Krishna POKHAREL
최고 애니메이션 작품상
New Zealand, People’s Republic of China
Directed by Kirby ATKINS
Produced by Daniel STORY, Bill BOYCE
Penguin Highway
Directed by Hiroyasu ISHIDA
Produced by Yoko MATSUZAKI, Koji YAMAMOTO
Republic of Korea
Directed by OH Sung-yoon, LEE Choon-baek
Produced by OH Sung-yoon
The Unseen (Kaghaz-Pareh ha)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Directed by Behzad NALBANDI
Produced by Behzad NALBANDI
Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko)
Directed by Makoto Shinkai
Produced by Genki Kawamura
최고 다큐멘터리 작품상
Israel, Canada, Switzerland
Directed by Rachel Leah JONES, Philippe BELLAÏCHE
Produced by Philippe BELLAÏCHE, Rachel Leah JONES, Paul CADIEUX, Joëlle BERTOSSA
United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark
Directed by Victor KOSSAKOVSKY
Produced by Aimara REQUES, Heino DECKERT, Sigrid DYEKJÆR
The Australian Dream
Australia, United Kingdom
Directed by Daniel GORDON
Produced by Sarah THOMSON, Nick BATZIAS, Virginia WHITWELL, John BATTSEK
Narrow Red Line (Khat-e Barik-e Ghermez)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Directed by Farzad Khoshdast
Produced by Negar Eskandarfar, Farzad Khoshdast
One Child Nation
People’s Republic of China, United States of America
Directed by Nanfu Wang, Jialing Zhang
Produced by Nanfu Wang, Jialing Zhang, Julie Goldman, Christoph Jörg, Christopher Clements, Carolyn Hepburn
최고 감독상
Adilkhan YERZHANOV for A Dark, Dark Man
Kazakhstan, France
Lav DIAZ for The Halt (Ang Hupa) Philippines
Elia SULEIMAN for It Must Be Heaven
Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Canada, France, Germany
Anocha SUWICHAKORNPONG, Ben RIVERS for Krabi, 2562 Thailand, United Kingdom
WANG Xiaoshuai for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang) People’s Republic of China
최고 각본상
Pema TSEDEN for Balloon (Qìqiú)
People’s Republic of China
Kantemir BALAGOV, Alexander TEREKHOV for Beanpole (Dylda) Russian Federation
Mohsen Gharaei, Mohammad Davoudi for Castle of Dreams (Ghasr-e Shirin)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Tamar SHAVGULIDZE for Comets
A Mei, WANG Xiaoshuai for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
최고 촬영상
Ksenia SEREDA for Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
YU Ninghui, DENG Xu for Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (Chun Jiang Shui Nuan)
People’s Republic of China
Saurabh MONGA for The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain (Sona Dhwandi Bhed Te Suchha Pahad)
Teoh Gay HIAN for The Science of Fictions (Hiruk-Pikuk Si-Alkisah) Indonesia, Malaysia, France
KIM Hyunseok for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang) People’s Republic of China
최고 여배우상
Viktoria MIROSHNICHENKO for Beanpole (Dylda)
Russian Federation
Samal YESLYAMOVA for The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time Kazakhstan, Japan
Ji-hu PARK for House of Hummingbird (Beol-sae) Republic of Korea, United States of America
YONG Mei for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
Max EIGENMANN for Verdict
Philippines, France
최고 남배우상
Manoj BAJPAYEE for Bhonsle
Eran NAIM for Chained (Eynayim Sheli)
Israel, Germany
Navid Mohammadzadeh for Just 6.5 (Metri Shisho Nim)
Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohsen TANABANDEH for Rona, Azim’s Mother (Rona, Madar-e Azim)
Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan
WANG Jingchun for So Long, My Son (Di Jiu Tian Chang)
People’s Republic of China
UNESCO 후원에 따른 문화 다양성 상
Bhonsle India
Directed by Devashish MAKHIJA
Produced by Abhayanand SINGH, Shabana Raza BAJPAYEE, Sandiip KAPUR, Piiyush SINGH, Saurabh GUPTA
It Must Be Heaven
Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Canada, France, Germany
Directed by Elia SULEIMAN
Produced by Édouard WEIL, Laurine PELASSY, Elia SULEIMAN, Thanassis KARATHANOS, Martin HAMPEL, Serge NOËL
Made in Bangladesh
Bangladesh, France, Denmark, Portugal
Directed by Rubaiyat HOSSAIN
Produced by François d’ARTEMARE, Ashique MOSTAFA
Rona, Azim’s Mother (Rona, Madar-e Azim)
Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan
Directed by Jamshid MAHMOUDI
Produced by Navid MAHMOUDI
The Sun Above Me Never Sets (Min urduber kyun khahan da kiirbet)
Russian Federation
Directed by Liubov BORISOVA
Produced by Dmitrii SHADRIN, Sardana SAVVINA
상으로서 FIAPF– 국제
수여 .
신예 영화 재능상
재 능 상 (The Young Cinema Award) 은 NETPAC ( 아시아
홍 보
네크워크 ) 가 Griffith Film School (GFS) 와
협 찬 으로
상으로서 , 아시아
새 롭 게
젊 은
수여 됨 .
Cathy Gallagher [email protected] +61 (0)416 227 282 Alicia Brescianini [email protected] +61 (0)400 225 603
MATERIALS FOR MEDIA https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j4c5sng2v1u0hf5/AAC2Ry5qqdS8JtFLIme4LBuQa?dl=0